Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Extra Credit Blog

You know what to do.  Entries must be complete in order to receive full extra credit.


  1. Unknown Newsday February 22,2012

    Marie Colvin, an foreign correspondent,and French photographer Rémi Ochlik were killed in Syria.Both two were tragic,since their elimination can only make it easier for Syrian President Bashar Assad to pursue his bloody campaign against Syria's pro-democracy uprising.Their death were not isolated incidents, like the correspondent of The New York Time- Anthony Shadid who died a few days earlier.Nearly 900 journalists were killed in past two decades,most of them were died by murder.The only purpose for them was to tell the truth to the people all over the world.

    It is so important to tell the world what was going on. Syria’s regime wants to prevent the world from realizing the effect of violet activities on its people.For seeking truth ,journalists went to Syria even though the threat of death which many examples were shown.But where need people to dig the truth , people always be there. They know the truth is waiting for them to discover.The job of correspondent is uncover the truth and return the original situation , it is tragic for Syrians that they are not there .

  2. Jessica Christiansen
    Alyssa Abkowitz “Parking Meters in the Driveway” Feb 16, 2012 Feb 19, 2012
    If you ever needed a couple extra dollar, live close to a full parking lot, then you might wanna think about getting a parking meter for your driveway. “ helps match homeowners with drivers seeking parking in all types of locations near commuter train stations, large sporting venues and conference centers. “One woman, for example, pays about $1.50 for 15 minutes to park her car and walk her daughter to school every day. This may be a good idea because of the time trying to find a parking spot in the city and how expensive it is to park in a parking garage. This is an interesting idea to be able to rent out your driveway.
    This is important because this may help the economy because some people can get some extra cash. It demonstrates an issue because many people have trouble trying to find a parking space and may get ticketed for an illegal parking spot, and this helps people get some extra money in this economy. Its an interesting development because it will have more parking available and help people get some money.
    This article was interesting because how many people really think about putting a parking meter in their driveway. Its an interesting idea.
    This is a good idea to help people find parking and get extra money.


    Steve Ruiz was arrested several months after killing another member of the Hells Angels, a bike gang in san francisco. Steve Ruiz was the subject to a massive search after killing Steve Tausan. Police believe that Tausan was shot when a fight broke out during the funeral for Jeffrey "Jethro" Pettigrew on Oct. 15. Police then tracked Ruiz at a motel in Fremont. Ruiz then came out peacefully and is serving his time in jail.

    There is no excuse for murdering another person. This is constantly happening all over the United States, men killing each other for no reason, there should be no reason to kill another person. This man was found and put to jail but there are thousands of men killing each other and not being put to jail. People in the same situation getting away with it.

  4. Barry Nelid “How mobiles of the future will get under our skin.” CNN Thursday February 23, 2012.

    Phones have become such an important item in our lives. Everyday we use it and it’s becoming something more dependable on. Phones are rapidly evolving and are very technologically advanced. In the article, Barry Nelid states that the size of mobile devices have become smaller over the years and will soon be planted under our skin. “Today the young generation are almost forced to be glued to a screen to catch up with everything on Facebook…but by having more personalization and personal agents that act as proxies for you, you can reduce the time you need to spend on the machine.”

    This article is important because it’s opening up new ideas for the future. By having advanced technology, people will be able to search the web for topics of interest of check their email without having to stare at their computer screen for hours. The article shares a common interest with most individuals through out the world. That interest is the social network. This topic is interesting to myself because of the common interest other individuals have on the topic.

    ~Katherine Pulsonetti

  5. Allie Torgan “ Bringing health care to the worlds most remote areas” CNN on the web- Thursday Feb 23 – Sunday February 26

    In this article, it describes how a medical student named Benjamin LaBrot six years ago would travel to remote areas of Africa and treat patients with supplies he carried with him on his backpack. Although after an incident where he ran out of supplies a devastated Labrot ensured that it would not happen again. Labrot started Floating Doctors, which provided free health care for people in remote coastal regions. To this day he is staying in countries like Haiti for stretches up to months giving people medical assistance when needed. "The benefits that you can create if you're there longer are extraordinary," Labrot says

    This is important because people do not put enough emphasis into helping people who live in extreme poverty. This is an issue because they are lots of people in the world who need health care but are not provided with it. This is in an interesting development because people can debate on weather we should spend time, money and effort into helping the less fortunate. This article was interesting because I was informed with the amount of poverty in the world and what it takes to change that. People need to take charge and help others in need instead of spending money on useless items!

  6. John Frangeskos

    Author: Elise Labbot Published : February 26, 2012
    “Clinton issues warnings on Afghanistan, Syria”
    This article is about the criticism of Obama’s apology of the burning of the Qurans. This is about how Obama said that the burnings was inadvertent and by accident. This was through a letter and it was to Afghan President Hamid Karzai. This had caused them to have a revenge attack which had lead to the death of 4 American soldiers.

    This incident effects many lives for instant the families of those soldiers that have passed have to live the rest of their lives without their sons. It demonstrates the issue of the decision making skills of President Obama and all of the problems that are occurring involving our army and Syria. This article is an interesting development because it is about our U.S soldiers that fight for us and we care about what happens to them. This article is interesting only because I didn’t know their were any type of fighting between us and Syria and I feel like its interesting having the authors opinion on Obama’s decision to send the troops their to Syria and the way he made the apology letter too.

  7. John La Mura
    Mitt Romney's new general election message
    By Charles Riley @CNNMoney April 4, 2012: 2:21 PM ET

    With the GOP Primaries keep going Candidate Mitt Romney feels confident enough where he should be focusing on the main target and objective in taking down president Obama. Romney was quoted saying that Obama’s policies “made it harder for our economy.” Romney also notes of pointing out the increasing amount of money it costs for gas. “There’s no question he is to blame.” He is sure to blame President Obama for the countries economic problems whether or not Romney will take him down remains to be seen.
    There is no question Romney is superior to his opponents in the GOP primaries. He will be there in November. With Romney now focusing his attention on Obama he insists on to keep attacking Obama’s struggles and his low points. Romney keeps attacking Obama on high gas prices and the widely disapproved health care bill passed in 2009. Romney has a legitimate chance of taking down Obama and his 41 % strong disapproval rate especially with the high outrageous gas prices that keep increasing.
