Monday, September 19, 2011

The Roseto Mystery

DIRECTIONS:  After carefully reading and annotating the essay, choose three of the following questions and answer fully.

  1. This essay is the introduction to Malcolm Gladwell’s best-selling book Outliers.  In what way does the town of Roseto qualify as an “outlier”?
  2. Summarize the first two paragraphs of the essay. Why do you think Gladwell chose to begin the essay this way?
  3. In the essay, who or what do you think was most responsible for the (new) Roseto’s flourishing?  Cite reasons for your response (include page numbers).
  4. Describe what Dr. Stewart Wolf found when he studied the population of Roseto. Cite statistics in your answer.
  5. What are the three possible explanations Dr. Wolf gives for the astonishing results of his study?  How is each one refuted (disproved)?
  6. What does Dr. Wolf finally conclude is the reason for the remarkable health of Rosetans?  Quote from the essay in your answer.
  7. Choose any five vocabulary words whose meaning you are unsure of.  List them, giving page nos. and partial sentence. Then define each one.